Mobile game with multiplayer functionality and features that Fgfactory designed and developed.

Big Bash - Multiplayer Mobile Game Development

Compete and donate

Each time starting the application users participates in a competition against other users. Mini games are launched in random order, so there is a variety and gameplay does not bother. During the tournament, which lasts 24 hours, users must score as many points as possible in order to climb in the leaderboard.

Big Bash - Multiplayer Arcade Game Design Big Bash - Multiplayer Arcade Game Development Big Bash Leaderboard Design
Technology stack
  • Unity3d
  • Photon Multiplayer
  • Design Patterns: Singleton, Observer, Facade, MVC, Bridge, Adapter
  • Firebase Storage, Firebase Cloud Functions
  • Playfab CloudScripts
  • Rest API
  • Adaptive UI
  • Spine animations implementation
  • Serialization: NewtonJSON Unity Editor Extensions
  • Unity Editor Extensions
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