Mobile cards game design and development from scratch to release. Reimaged gameplay, multiplayer mode and various features.

Fgfactory handled the full-cycle game development process of the mobile cards game with multiplayer, vs AI game modes. The entire process included all stages of the game production starting from the prototyping, UX/UI and graphics design to Unity development, QA, release support and post-release maintenance.

Design stage included assets creation as well as the animation and VFX development. Designed assets were prepared and integrated into Unity by our technical team.

Unity developed the game in several stages:
- Prototyping;
- Development and finalization of game mechanics against AI;
- Multiplayer development;
- Server-side components development;
- UI assets and VFX integration;
- Finalization and release of the project;
- Post-release support.

Solitaire Freeze War full-cycle game development process
Technology stack
  • Unity, C#
  • Firebase Database, Authentication
  • Photon Multiplayer
  • Patterns: Observer, MVC, Bridge
  • Adaptive UI
  • Particle effects
  • In-app purchases
  • App analytic, Crashlitics
  • UniRx
  • Push notifications
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